Thursday, June 9, 2011

American Apparel

Reviewing the available financial statements from 2007-present, as well as past articles, when did the company start declining? And where?
American Apparel’s financial status began to decline in 2007. Since the company was facing a lot of lawsuits which are against them. It gave investors no confident in this company. Company’s CEO, Dov Charney, has a lawsuit against him in sexual harassment. This lawsuit is enough to down grade the company’s reputation. Share price went down and less company would have partnership with American Apparel. Other than the CEO’s personal lawsuit, American Apparel was facing another scandal. Their hiring practices were questioned and were revealed to the public that the company hired legal workers. They had to fire over a thousand employees in order to avoid another lawsuit. However, the firing process was according to the employee’s appearance. The company would fire ugly, overweigh and unattractive people first before considering the employee’s performance. This discrimination was later revealed to the public as well. Multiple lawsuits caused their brand names to decrease and it had a domino effect which eventually affected the company’s financial status.

Take a look at the recent financial statements (cash flow statement in particular) – with 14 million injected into the company right away, how should the company allocate this money? Into which activities? And why?
14 million isn’t a lot of money for a public corporation. The company needs to use the money wisely before losing their last line of defense. They should pay off the short term debt and regain their confidence to their partners. They can run a minor positive advertisement but should not run a large scale of advertisement. It is because all the lawsuit against them are free advertisement and all the company can do are to cool down themselves and wait for customers to forget about their scandals. 14 million should be used up in paying off debt and leave cash on hand.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Lockheed Martin Reports Strong

Aeronautics is one of the four divisions of Lockheed Martin. The aeronautics sales increase 19% and it contributes the most to the net sales of 2010. Lockheed Martin uses the term net sales instead of net income. Net sale is basically the total sales of all division in the company. Aeronautics has a better result due to the increase in producing transport airplane. The C-130J and C-5 is the main multipurpose transport airplane in the US Army. The increase in volume does generate majority of income to Lockheed Martin. However, the US government decreases the production of F-16, F-22 and F-35 combat aircraft. The profit went down by 4% and profit margin has shrunk. Although the demand of combat aircraft decreases, the transport aircraft helps Lockheed to turn the table and end up with $3.9 Billion profit. The electronic Systems and Global solution divisions remain in a stable growth. The last division is the Space System and the sales decreases by 13% ($2.3B). The sales decrease due to lower volume on launching activities and space shuttle program. Those activities are the main source of income for this division. Even though there are increases in Space Satellites, the profit cannot cover the loss.
The operating activities increased by $374 million due to increased contributions to the pension trust of $758 million. The second factor is the increase in transport aircraft production. Since it is a bigger plane, Lockheed need more resources in manufacture as well as to maintain the aircraft after sales. However, Lockheed benefited from the lower income tax payment and eventually it ended up with $374 million.
Majority of the investing activities are conducted for capital expenditures. Lockheed invested in facilities infrastructure and equipment. They support new and existing programs across all of our business segments and as the result, the company will benefit from their effective performance. Capital expenditures for property, plant and equipment amounted to $820 million in 2010. Lockheed receives a $798 million from the sale of their sister company EIG. The discontinued company closed all their accounts last year and the transaction coasts $17 million.
During 2010, Lockheed repurchased 33 million of their common stock for $2,483 million up to an authorized amount of $3.0 billion. Under this program, they can determine the dollar amount of shares to be repurchased and the timing of any repurchases in compliance with applicable law and regulation. Their finance activity is to repurchase stocks. Parts of the profit are repaid to shareholders in the form of dividends. Lockheed did not purposely reduce the number of shares held by the public.

            US defense is the biggest contractor of Lockheed Martin. However, the United States as the big brother of the world begins to pull themselves out of the war zone and conflict. Funding in the combat aircraft decreases due to the decrease in demand. They dominated in the military race and it is time for the US government to cut their paces. Instead of making fighter jets, they have Lockheed to make transport aircraft. Increase in transport aircraft benefit US in responding to emergency. The rapid increase in natural disaster does raise the demand in these types of aircraft. It is costly to produce huge transport aircraft and it increases the operating expenses. However later in the year, the sales will eventually cover the cost of making the aircraft. Space exploration is a interesting program for human beings and our curiosity tend to want to know more about the universe. US dominated the space exploration race as well and they begin to reduce the expenditure in the space program. The investing activity is likely to decrease in Space System division because the government decides to decrease the production of Space equipment.            
            The nuclear disaster in Japan causes technology and mechanic industry to a halt. Countries that rely on their equipment and technology may seek for alternative temporary. Eastern Europe and the Pacific Asia have their own manufacturer and there is very high possibility that the manufacturer import some raw materials from Japan but the exporting in Japan is currently closed. The Eastern European and Asian aviation manufacture may see Lockheed Martin as their temporary manufacture.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lockheed Martin welcomes expected and unexpected income


Lockheed Martin Corporation announced the third quarter results of 2010. The corporation has a net sale of $11.4B which is a 6% increase from last year’s report. The net sales of Lockheed are the total sales combined with four divisions. Although Lockheed has a 6% increase in sales, they have a 30% decrease in profit this year. Lockheed Martin planned to discontinue two of their sister company in 2010. Enterprise Integration Group (EIG) and Pacific Architects and Engineer Inc. (PAE) will discontinue operations for all periods and their assets and liabilities are held for sale on the balance sheet as of Sept, 26 2010.

It is quite odd to have 6% increases in sales but 30% decrease in profit. According to 2009 3rd quarter report, Lockheed received an unusual tax benefit from the resolution of IRS examination. The corporation also incurred an unusual charge of $178 million related to voluntary executive separation program. Lockheed Martin staffs receive an extra $1 billion in pension plan. All these factors do affect the profit of 2010 quarter but some usage of money cannot avoid and some do benefit their own company.

Two of the partner company EIG and PAE are sold out to private firms. It is a loss for Lockheed because they have lost the high quality technology provide from those companies. However, they do no have a choice to keep the company as the Pentagon would like to remove companies that have potential conflict with government contractors. There is a concern in those company will end up bidding a government contracts if they are partner with government contractors. Lockheed is the number one federal government contractors in the United State and it will cause a conflict if its sister company bid on a government project.

Lockheed has a potential comprehensive loss from selling two of its sister company. A company can receive comprehensive gain or loss depends on its situation and Lockheed seems to have a loss at this point. Lockheed may sell those companies lower than their acquiring price. There are two possible reasons, first, the company may depreciate and second, American dollar depreciates and the company receives loss from currency exchange. The difference of the initial price and final price is the comprehensive gain/loss. 

A large amount of military projects are awarded to Lockheed Martin in the recent years. This year they received a “Go” for the F-35 manufacture possession and they should have net profit in the next 10 years if the inflation does not rise as much. Many projects under development receive funding time to time. Although Lockheed has higher chances to receive profit, they might lose money in some area such as currency exchange. But it would not affect the overall net profit of the next 10 years. Lockheed has a very high demand rates in their products and they are lacking human resources. If they expand their factory and hire more employees, the production will be faster and the company can redeem their full amount of money quicker. If the customers decide to stop the project, they might require paying a penalty fee. The penalty fee considers as comprehensive income because the income is unexpected. A positive trend can be seen from now, since new blood will add into Lockheed Group and income will be generated from the new partners.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cathay Pacific Economic Turning Point

Cathay Pacific is a well known airliner in the industry. With the advertising campaign "It's the little things that move you", the brand name and popularity have gone up; however, good things come to the end when the financial crisis hit the world which impacted on Cathay Pacific’s sales. The net income was the fastest statistic to reflect the company’s situation immediately after the crisis. Turnover and demand had gone down sharply as the expenses were not cut immediately. With such a healthy company, Cathay had a large amount of cash on hand which allowed the company to pay off the debt while they were still having a net loss. Now the economy is slowly healing and so does Cathay Pacific. The interim financial results of 2010 clearly showed their ability to manage the company well through the crisis. With only HKD$812 million profit in 2009, Cathay managed to increase the profit by 724.4% in the first six months of 2010 which was HKD$6840 million. The company recovered fast from the economic downfall which could strengthen their popularity and possibly gain more customers in the later years. 

Airline companies tend to reserve more cash on hand and have less payment on account because usually airline tickets have the cash transaction; therefore, the company gets the money right away. Having a large amount of cash flow, it prevents the company from going bankruptcy during the economic crisis. Cathay Pacific Group is now back on the right track with cash flow USD$2.74 Billion and the profit margin ratio 13.85%. Although the company has a high net profit, the ratio is only 13.85% which is a low percentage in general industries at a glance. However, this is a high percentage in the airline industry. British Airway such a large competitor in Europe has -5.78% profit margin ratio meaning that the company is losing money currently. Air Canada, the Crown Corporation of Canada, has a negative profit margin ratio - 0.66% too. The reason why the ratio for such a profit-making company is really low is because the company has such a high sales revenue. However, the company’s operation expenses are relatively high; therefore, the net income is low with reference to the sales revenue. Running an airliner requires a lot of expense because the company has to ensure the safety of the passengers so that aircraft maintenance cannot be ignored. Airliner such as Cathay Pacific always aims at a high standard. To maintain their fleet in a high performance standard, the aircraft maintenance expenditure is essential to support.

Cathay Pacific has upgraded several aircrafts and invested in new cargo aircrafts which benefits the performance. With the upgrade, the company is able to charge a higher price for better service. Not only does the brand name go up, the profit also increases because of the extra charges. Cathay Cargo’s load factor increased 11.8% and hit a high record of 78% demand rate. With the additional route from Houston to Miami for the strong demand, Cathy Pacific will be able to increase a substantial profit. From this positive interim report shown, Cathay should have a strong and better financial result in the third quarter of 2010 if the trend continues. 

Cathay Pacific was found in 1946 and with long-timed experience, it proved her ability to run a business well. No matter how the world falls into crisis, the company still manages to survive from all of them. Even with the most recent financial tsunami, Cathay is still able to turn the table and make such a good profit in the most recent quarter. Since Cathy has already sustained very high performance in industry standard, her employees are able to steer the company back on the right track efficiently and effectively. As a customer, I would prefer to take the Cathay’s route because I would feel safe when I am on board, I would be treated with greatest respect and also the cabin provides a better comfort. All these factors not only attract me but also the common folks around the globe. Although the sales revenue is pretty good, aircraft maintenance expenses are very high; therefore, the profit margin looks not so good. It is true that the small margin does not necessarily mean the company not making money.
If the profit margin is surprisingly high in a company, it shows a symptom of probably some unexpected events to happen. For example, if the operational expenses for aircraft maintenances are not sufficient, this may lead to accidents. As the result, the company will pay for the penalties and investigation fees. Moreover, her brand name will be seriously affected. In order to keep the business running in a good shape, Cathay Pacific cannot ignore the huge operation expenses because “small money does not go out, big money does not come in”.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Canada's $9 Billion Fighter Jets

On July 16, 2010, the Government of Canada announced it is acquiring the fifth generation Joint Strike Fighter F-35 Lightning II aircraft for the replacement of the CF-18 Hornet aircraft fleet. It was the biggest military equipment purchase in the Canadian history. Department of National Defense need the new generation of aircraft to protect the safety and security of the Canadians. Each of the F-35 fighter jet cost $138.5 million dollars and it is around four times more expensive than the present CF- 18 fighter jets.
Countries such as the U.S., Britain, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Australia, Norway and Denmark made financial contribution to this program. Canada is one of the major partners out of nine in the Joint Strike Fighter program which have invested about $168 million on the program. The Canadian Air Force decide to get the first plane in service by 2016 and all 65 F-35 Lightning II will be in service before 2020. Lockheed Martin as the manufacture company of this JSF jet is expected to produce 3100 F-35 aircraft in the next 25 years. Canada is planning to spend $9 billion dollars on the replacement but this amount will be doubled when the maintenance contract is added. It is forecasted to spend at least $18 billion in this program.
The replacement program not only benefits the performance of the Canadian Air Force but also benefits the Canada aerospace industry because all the aircraft maintenances are done in Canada mainland which will generate a lot of job opportunities for Canadians.

         The Department of National Defense approved to acquire 65 F-35 fighter jets to replace the aging CF-18 fleet. The Department will spend $9 billion dollars on the purchase and will possibly spend another $9 billion dollars on maintenance.
 They invest those funds to accomplish its goals. This purchase is considered as investing activities but in this case, the government is not looking for profit but instead their goal is to ensure safety and security of the Canadians. The fighter jets are invested as long term investments because each of the plane has its life expectancy which are usually long enough to survive another 25 years. The government will not replace the fleet again in the short term because each replacement program cost massively and the government cannot afford to replace regularly in a short period of time. All the plane that the air force are acquiring, is a type of equipment purchase which goes under the investing activities.
Usually a company gets their money by selling shares to shareholders. It lets the company to temporary use the money to invest on something so that the profit can cover the expense and also repay the shareholders. In this case, $9 Billion dollars are not a small number and the government cannot cover the cost by selling bonds to Canadians. The government has to take portion of the money from taxes that were collected in the past. Basically, the DND are approved to purchase fighter jets with the government funding. The funding is from government which eventually was the tax payers’ money. This is how most of the governmental departments get their fund from. A secondary funding would be from bonds which are similar to selling shares.

            Canada is known for a peacekeeping country which always supports her allies and the developing countries. However, the government decided to spend a large amount of money on fighter jet that cannot support the ground force during the peacekeeping mission. The Air Force always focuses on the response time during crisis but Canada would not response better to an unpredictable emergency such as 9-11 even Canada acquires a fleet of F-35. Since Canada is a peacekeeping country, the DND should consider purchasing heavy lifted helicopter, Large Transport Aircraft or some multi-role fighter jet instead of a heavy F-35 Lightning II that are not capable to fight other fighting jet. The purchase is totally unnecessary because Canada is in a position of peacekeeping and not in war state. With that much money, Canada can acquire more aircraft which can benefits the current Afghan mission.
            The aviation manufacture of F-35 Lockheed Martin awarded the contracts without any competitors which gives advantage for Lockheed Martin to bargain with Canada in future negotiation and maintenance costs. Instead of putting all the eggs in one basket, Canada can split the risk by buying aviation equipment from other manufacture company such as the Boeing or Eurofighter jet. However, the DND focuses on investing everything on single equipment.
            Nine billion dollars could possibly fund in other area such as education, health care or support the low income population. It is correct to spend money in military equipment so that the homeland security is well protected but the military expenses and the other basic welfare expense should be balance. The government spent so much money on something that is not necessary which made this as issues. Parties in the house of common suggested spending money on military but the DND should spend on the right equipment. Or else the investment may be useless.